A great deal of modality pertains to negotiating social structures. In the human being, our own minds are driven by social adaptations, and inherent neural connections that map out sensations with packets of activity. We defend ourselves, we reach out for change, we establish balance, or... for many, we negotiate boundaries of problematic circumstances.
It's difficult to discern how we become the way we are. Our natural tendencies have much to do with the application of energy and awareness through nature's given tendencies. However, while we live life from this prerogative, the human creature is endlessly assessing the circumstances around oneself, and on several layers, and in dozens of reactive compartments, which are compiled from thousands of memories of interactions, we are guiding ourselves into 'best possible outcomes'.
We are crafted by our thoughts, activities, and environments - but the extent of which aspect causes use the most dramatic shifts in consciousness - undoubtedly social connotations play the biggest role.
While this can be debated, simple observation and experience will dictate that the human being is more deeply affected by our overall connections with people.
Our perception of the environment, how to get along, how to fit in, and the ways adjustments occur can be swift and the changes large. Even the most robust personality can become undone, altered, changed, diminished by repeat incidences with harmful personas. The human being is capable of great peace and happiness unless health and social connectivity is challenge. It is quite dramatic that social issues can affect the state of mind as deeply, if not more so, than much physical or even mental debilitation.
The modalities of one person affect the modalities of another person. The limited containers of modality as forged by a social environment can push and pull, and change, any person who becomes a part of that environment. Very strong minds, with very robust principles can be afflicted and derailed in such odd ways as to make that person resemble the perpetrator of their affliction more than even themself. There is power in numbers, and unfortunately, the larger the agitating environment, the more lost the individual can become. Rising above can become a great challenge. Humanity has posited this inherent challenge every step of the way.

Maps of troubling modalities and alleviation points
- Imbalance
- Neglect
- Unfairness
- Inequality
- Injustice
- Instigation
- Meanness
- Obstruction
- Threat

- Shift of Consciousness
- Mobility
- Awareness
- Facing the Truth
- Accepting That Change is Eminent
- Seeing Other's Accountability
- Holding Oneself Accountable
- Protest
- Leaving
- Creating Change

As human beings, we are vulnerable, and ongoing systems of activities often exacerbate that condition. We can face problematic conditions, and environments of people that challenge the very nature of what we truly believe the human purpose to be. We can enter emotional arrangements and find ourselves dealing with treacherous people, petty mentalities, aggressive physical or verbal attempts to take something away from you.
Few people make it through life without finding the need to defend themselves, and in these conditions the mind reaches for ample resources. However the process of defense is exhausting, and the active resourceful mind may find themselves quite disheveled....
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Situations of control and so-called power are leverage pressures that serve to distort natural emotional patterns. This contorts logic in a suppressed individual forcing them to try to think in another person's terms. This is a secondary style of thinking - which if forced into greater depths creates a damaged personality. This means a person can be contorted into estranged ways of being, that separate them from their self-understanding, desires, and the energy within them.
Depressive and repressive states (non-chemical) come from repetitive cycles of disruption or disgrace - where social conditions can manipulate self-worth and self-empowerment. These outcomes are not always expressly evident, but play out in deeper layers over time.
In other situations, extreme control is attempted from one person over another. These situations usually involve great amounts of leverage - financial, natural stability, contractual, or through natural imbalance in dominance and submission between two people...
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Energy cycling and social positioning based on perceived threat or causes of dismay. People perceive gain and loss in many instances, some of them strictly social. Emotional positioning, and rate of exchange can hinge on this process no differently than extreme cases of loss and suffering.
When a person feels Agitated, there is a likely redundant buildup, that harbors despair and worry beneath. If energy is projected in this state, onto another person, through one of the emotional projections (animosity, counter-negligence, Inebria) it will likely conjure a mirrored correlation. This means the other person ingests the condition of agitation then worry and despair if surrounded by Agitation over time.
It doesn't necessarily matter what logic is involved, thus emotionally charged logic dovetails and/or reaches Inebria - even if argued or dismissed, the condition will eventually create like circumstances in the enduring individual through repetitive encounters...
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"Who we are will change - the question is change to what, by what cause, and whom will be pushing those buttons? Evolution of consciousness means removing the influence of the world when needed, in order to move towards the consciousness we currently understand to be needed most."

Emotion patterns that can spool with the endurance of conflict

Degenerative thinking is the type of thought that gives or causes internal compensation and adjustment towards some source of conflict. Most degenerative thinking comes from rolling sensations and compound thought cycles that often spread very unevenly the incoming signals, internal projections, and outgoing parameters of thought. These adjustments cause conflict of poise and expression involved with these two simple qualities of these two simple qualities directly, subtly, or with complete lack of awareness of these facets...
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Humiliation - Paranoia - Retribution
When damages cause internal defense, and when it becomes difficult to simply move on it's often because
- looming threat still present
- fear of erratic personality cannot be suspended
- height of revolution still mounting
- when past damages have exceeded workable levels
- when a total split, or reluctance, seems immanent between two people.
- Memories of conflict still reverberate
- the historic conflict created a shift of world view, an altered emotionality that lingers still
Under these conditions, rational impulses can cause a person to move to:
- total avoidance of another person
- peaks of conflict
- increasing malignant attempts for both sides to overcome the other side
- attempts to force submission, avoidance, or halt activity of a certain kind
In these situations there is usually an Instigator (controller) and a Deflector (reactionary) who is being compressed upon towards the direction of some level of humiliation...
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Helplessness is a general sensation that is marked by the sensed cause of failure, or lingering sense of exposure and vulnerability.
Failure is a sensation caused by a sensed "inability to improve a situation". Failure is the general mood atmosphere that percolates form the increasingly impending perception that oneself is unable to handle a situation, moods, mood cycles, or demeanor in others, or the continuously arriving results of one's own known and/or unknown aspects of demeanor.
Because so much of life is hinged on results (manifest experiences from efforts), conflicts in attaining such results whether intercommunicational or circumstantial can lead to looping, redundant cycles of the inability to manifest desire, but more so, the loss of control of how that desire is expressed interior to the mind, or exterior, into the world.
This repeated sensation of inability to direct desire without first correlating that desire to the collective sense of failures (or rather, inability to improve a situation) leads to a sensation that no matter what one dies, says, thinks, or feels - the situation cannot be improved and the continuous stream of inadequate experiences will only continue.



The human creature senses Doom as any sort of forthcoming, inevitable, near-irreversible outcome, event, situation, or circumstance. Sense of Doom is further characterized by a more increased, immediate or impending, need to stop, escape, or rearrange the ending or pathway by which the ending is found.
A sense of Doom can be aroused in large or small matters - generally relative to the survival of the person - whether physically, socially, economically, or emotionally.
The array of negative effects that we can endure as humans is complex, and has layers of effects. Who we are is altered by experience, and we are possibly pushed onto narrowing channels of modality.
As people move to manipulate people, or get what they want from others, the strange onset of behavior should be understood. Ego driven grasps for power and control can rip a sense of identity from those who such effects touch.
Regaining stability and the ability to contend with such negative forces will be a theme in human life, just as it remains a theme for all life forms.
It can be considered a grave disaster for a person to exploit and degenerate others, and it is truly so. The mild satisfactions one person may get in exhibiting shabby earthly power are of such fractional benefit compared to the internal rewards of a strong, stable modality.
What the afflicts of suffering do not see is the future adjustments they will endure, when awakening to their own situation. To go to sleep on top of the world - yet to wake up on the bottom of the barrel is the greatest fear of those who lust for power to dominate others - yet it is the reality they will face, in no disguise-able or evade-able way, when their eyes open and who they are is washed away each terrible layer, forever.
Who we are is a channel of energy run through our modality - and thus, when everything a person creates is based on inferior objectives in the name of self-betterment at the dire cost of others - who who they are, and what they create will be destroyed by the very qualities they imagined gave them great reward.